Once again, I'm headed back to Moldova! Subscribe to this blog to get updates on all of my adventures. And donations are always welcome!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


     I've been working at the orphanage for the past 4 days and have been loving it. All I do is hold babies! There are nurses and caregivers who take care of the babies' needs but no one to just sit and hold them. I give the babies a turn, trying to hold everyone at least once. There are about 15 babies. There are 4 children who are over 1, who can walk and move around. All of them are showing signs of attachment disorder or abuse. I watched as one little girl, Catalina (who is a bit violent) hit a little boy (Valeri) really hard and he didn't react. I've never heard him cry. The other older ones won't touch me when I hold them. Usually when you pick a baby up they put there arms around you or on you somewhere. They keep their hands away from me, as if I'm dirty. I know this is from attachment disorder. I'm trying to show them positive touch and interaction. I'm going to try to look up information on RAD to see what exercises I can do with them to help.
     The rest are babies, 9 months and younger. There is one 3 month old baby, who I sing to and cuddle. They all love being held and snuggled. They are all so happy and always smiling. There are only two who are a bit fussy and yell at me whenever I set them down. I think it's good that I will be there 5 days a week for two months. Hopefully they'll be able to bond with me and form an attachment. I know it will be hard to say goodbye but at least they will have that time with me. The orphanage is run by the government which has very little money to give (due to corruption). Some of the clothing is old and has holes in it. Each baby only gets two diapers a day and when those are used up they have to go without which means many changes of clothes. I've been buying diapers on my way to the orphanage everyday.
      Today I brought chocolate to celebrate my birthday and the caregivers and nurses were very grateful. They all wished me a happy birthday (I think) and kissed me on the cheek. It was very sweet.

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